CCRC is a “virtual club” so we have no club house; instead we work with other clubs in Chichester Harbour and use the facilities of clubs across the Solent and beyond.
A typical weekend might involve a race on Saturday, arrival at a pre-booked marina, a social drinks party, dinner at a local yacht club and then a race back on the Sunday. But everything is optional: some might not race but simply cruise, and others might make their own dinner arrangements.
Cruiser Racing
The club has introduced many owners of cruisers (and cruiser/racers) to the fun and competition of yacht racing.
Club members have a wide range of yacht types and sizes with differing levels of equipment. Some may have a large experienced crew, but others might be two-handed or even solo. Our handicap systems make it interesting for all.
Sailing Area
Our races are either “Bay Races” in Hayling Bay (the Eastern Solent approaches, east of No Mans Land Fort) or “Passage Races” starting in Hayling Bay and racing to another port usually in the Solent.
Hayling Bay is a great sailing area being sheltered but less crowded than the Solent and our member yachts are typically based in Chichester, Langstone or Portsmouth Harbours.
Yachts and Handicaps
For our wide range of yacht sizes and types (mono hulls 6m to 15m length) as well as levels of experience we offer two types of race handicaps.
All yachts are given a handicap which adjusts itself according to their results (based on the RYA NHC system and designated by CCRC as Beta handicap). Individual (and keener racing) yachts may choose to also have a fixed handicap (using the VPRS system) for a separate result in CCRC Alpha fleet indicated by the flag flown.
Races and Places
Our season starts in the spring and ends late autumn with a summer break for those who cruise away somewhere.
Each race has an experienced Principal Race Officer to set the course and organise the start. For every race there is a results table (produced in the Halsail system) and published on the web site with points and trophies to be awarded.
At the year end trophies or other prizes are award to race winners, series winners and for other achievements. Most tend to win something!
Social and Cruise
Key to our CCRC programme are the social events: those associated with weekend races and other events such as the Fitting Out Supper, Winter Social or the Prize-Giving.
Weekends might include a pontoon drinks party, invites to each other’s yachts, dinner at a local club house. Other meetings might include a lunch or dinner and our Spring Cruise includes a myriad of events.
Becoming a member of CCRC is easy and economical with individual membership just £20 p.a. plus £50 p.a. to register a yacht to take part in events – and you can join online.
You can also experience a CCRC event as a guest yacht; or join to crew either as a member or on the crew register – this being a great way for short-handed owners to link up with sailors keen to crew on yachts
In 1948 the Chichester Harbour Federation (the organisation coordinating between the harbour clubs) established the “Cruiser Section” to arrange cruiser races for club members within the harbour. This “Section” subsequently became Chichester Cruiser Racing Club with its continuing aim to introduce more cruiser owners to racing and organise events for them.
The club is a member of the Federation of Chichester Harbour Sailing Clubs and is an RYA affiliated club.